perm filename 1[0,BGB]1 blob sn#017623 filedate 1972-12-27 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
00100	   Cart Vision - November 1971 to November 1972 to November 1973.
00300	                           B. g. Baumgart
00500		My cart Vision work consists of a  Geometric  World  Modeling
00600	program,  GEOMED;  and a television picture anaylsis program, CAREYE.
00700	Many essential smaller programs, such as camera  locus  solving,  are
00800	embedded  in  these  two  large  programs.   My  approach  to  visual
00900	perception may be characterized as "extreme  mechanical  deteminism",
01000	and is based on three assumptions:
01200	i.  I assume that given the location of the TV camera and the sun and
01300	given a faceted (not necessarily  planar)  polyhedron  model  of  the
01400	world  a  computer  can  be  made  to compute a television image very
01500	nearly like the one produced by a real digital TV camera looking at a
01600	real world under a real sun.
01800	ii.   I  assume  that  given  two similar TV pictures (or region-edge
01900	pictures) a computer can be made to find the substantial similarities
02000	and  the  slight  differences.   And that the slight differences in a
02100	single image can be used to correct the camera and world models,  and
02200	that  slight  differences  accumulated  over  many  images  will  add
02300	substantially to the world model and indeed may be  characterized  as
02400	visual perception.
02600	iii. I assume that the `tabula rasa', world model initialization, can
02700	be  done  with human assisted programs. The process of constructing a
02800	computer model of the mundane physics and geometry of the real  world
02900	is  is  not  fully  understood;  and  inspite  of recent successes in
03000	automatic strategy planning it is  difficult  to  automate  a  poorly
03100	understood process.

00100		Over the past year CAREYE has been recoded twice  and  GEOMED
00200	has  been recoded four times.  In GEOMED a new hidden line eliminator
00300	and geometric data structure have been developed;  while  in  CAREYE,
00400	the  design strategy which was to convert TV image data directly into
00500	region-edge data has evolved a middle step of  converting  TV  images
00600	first  into  video intensity contours, similiar to those of krakauer,
00700	and then into region-edge data structures. Also this year I wrote  an
00800	alternate  reference  manual  for  Micro Planner and assisted Richard
00900	Orban in installing my  hidden  line  eliminator,  OCCULT,  into  the
01000	Hand-Eye system. The present cart vehicle is in working order and has
01100	been exercised from time to time under manual remote radio control.
01300		During  the  next  year,  I  anticipate  no  new ideas and no
01400	recoding. I will implement my present ideas  within  existing  system
01500	designs. In the coming year I will get my hidden line eliminator that
01600	predicts shadow edges and regions to work, and I  will  get  my  body
01700	locus  solver  that  constructs  3D polyhedron models out of 2D image
01800	regions from several cameras to work, and I will get  my  two  camera
01900	locus  solvers  to work (one based on region matching the other based
02000	on landmark-feature point matching).